Spring Blooms

With Easter just around the corner and blossom filling the trees, I am definitely feeling a renewed buzz of energy which I imagine is a feeling shared with a lot of you too. For the last month I have been skipping between a couple of projects and a new baby name commission which has been fun… it involved some very tiny farm animals so I definitely needed some breaks in between stints of stitching!

One of the other projects was my first embroidery pdf template which I’ve called Spring Blooms. Going into this I knew this first one would be a challenge but it’s been very satisfying sharing this design thinking others might one day be enjoying stitching their own ‘spring blooms’

Starting with a watercolour painting of the design helped me work out which flowers and animals I wanted to include, the proportions and colours.

I then stitched the design myself after applying some watercolour to the base textile. There was certainly a different feeling stitching knowing others might want to replicate the work but I mainly stuck to my own method of just going for it with the outlines providing a guide.

The pdf includes a template, notes on each stitch type and all the colours I used. These aren’t exact colour numbers as I like to use whatever threads I have to hand rather than buy new. Maybe this isn’t the usual way to do embroidery guides but I think it gives the freedom to choose colours you love and use threads already in your collection.

As the garden starts to wake up, I’ll be spending a little more time outdoors sowing seeds and preparing beds for the veg we want to grow in our new garden. I also have a couple of personal projects including a dress I’d like to embroider with daisies to wear to a wedding. I actually made this dress years ago so thinking I’ll get a bit more wear out of it if I give it a bit of an embroidery refresh. Let me know in the comments below what you’re looking forward to this coming spring season, I’d love to hear what has you excited!

P.S ‘Spring Blooms’ embroidery pattern is now available in my Etsy shop if you fancy stitching this yourself :)

Zoe x


Garden at Dusk


Autumn Update