Garden at Dusk

My latest embroidery piece has definitely given me time to stop and think what it is about the garden at dusk I find so magical. Perhaps it is the wonderful pinks, oranges and blues that are so fleeting just after sunset. The colours of foliage and flowers become richer and the scent of flowers like rose and honeysuckle seem even more powerful as the sun fades.

I also love to see the swallows grab their last meal of the day and hand over to the bats who are on the hunt for fluttering moths. In summer this can often be the quietest time of day letting you hear nature calmly come and go.

I’m sure I’m not alone in taking a few minutes at the end of a frantic day to sit outside, take a deep breath and feeling your shoulders drop just a little. This is what the image from our garden reminds me of and I hoped to capture in my small garden scape embroidery. Using paint to capture the darkness, hand stitching is used to bring out the textures and the soft mosaic of flowers seen in the weak light at dusk.

Once completed I found some straightish hazel twigs and used this to hang the piece from. This seemed quite apt to use the garden to frame the garden. I really loved creating this piece and would love to do more magical views.

If you have an idea in mind, feel free to email me about commissioning your own. It’s also a lovely way to capture a moment in what is for many of us a sanctuary, no matter how big or small. I’d love to know what your favourite time in the garden is and what your garden means to you!

Zoe x


Spring Blooms