Autumn Update

These last few months have been pretty busy with getting used to another new space and all the changes that entails. I’ve also been getting on with projects I’ve set myself & creating art that shares the magic of nature and the landscapes around me.

What’s inspired me this season?

Berries, beetles and the birch tree! We’ve been really enjoying getting to know our new garden and there’s just so much to see in autumn. From rosehips to hawthorn and holly berries…so many pops of colour to watch out for. I’ve also been looking back at pictures of insects taken mainly in the summer as I want to create a series of small hoops that focus in on one subject and analyse the detailed shapes and colours. And mushrooms of course! This has sparked the idea for one of my larger pieces as I’m fascinated by the fly agaric mushrooms that grow nearby. Researching the fungi, I discovered they have a preference to grow near spruce and birch trees, providing food for beetles & squirrels as well as supporting the trees through the symbiotic micorrhizal network.

What’s new?

I’ve had art prints made from a couple of my favourite embroidery pieces as well as greetings cards. I really like the 3D look of the embroideries when they’re photographed and the fact you can scale it up so you can really see all the little details.I’ve also begun to stitch a variety of insects in small 11cm wide hoops. They almost look like a magnifying lens on these colourfully stitched creatures which I’m so enjoying making. (Find available prints & originals in my Etsy shop here)

What’s in progress?

‘Fly Agaric Connections’ is an embroidery painting inspired by the relationship between the mushroom, trees & animals. They’re beautifully interlinked in how they benefit each other, providing food and habitat and combining them in the circular hoop feels very apt. Also in the beginning stages, is one of the biggest hoops I’ve ever tackled. It’s 32cm wide & I’ve started off with the blackcurrant dyed fabric I made this summer as the base. Having some marks in the background took away the blank page fear and I’ve interpreted some of the shapes into a fantasy snowy landscape. I find whimsical illustrations and imaginary places a joy to look at. Maybe it reminds me of being a child and really getting absorbed by picture books as I loved all the details they provided about the story and the characters.

You’ve probably noticed I like to have several pieces on the go at once. Maybe it says something about my attention span but I find if I’m in the right headspace to start new pieces, I should try and get a few underway at the same time. It then makes it easier to pick them up and continue along the direction I’ve already planned out, even when I’m not feeling as motivated.

What’s coming up?

There isn’t much to do in the garden at this time of year so I’ll be prepping for Christmas with some diy cards and decorations and continuing with my stitching and painting of the whimsical landscapes and insect studies.
I’ve completed a few baby name gifts over the last few months as well so I’d love to take on more commissions like that. I’m planning on adding this to my website so visitors can see what is possible and get inspired as it really does make a wonderfully unique and personal gift. If you already have an idea or a request though, please get in touch as I really enjoy collaborating on personalised embroideries.

Sharing my work more widely is another ambition brewing for 2024 so I’m going to be looking at more events I can take part in as there is a lively art scene here in Galloway with lots of people making and admiring art inspired by and created in the region.

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a wonderful wintertime and hopefully you get a chance to spot some beautiful details in the frost or birds from your window.

Zoe x


Spring Blooms


First ever exhibition